ACS Families,

Thank you for taking an interest and continuing to monitor your child’s academic achievement in their classes. Home Access Center gives you access to your child’s grades, attendance information, discipline incidents, and much more.

You can access HAC from the link below or from the Parent/Students section of your school’s website, from this link or from the eSchool Family app in the Apple App Store

If you are a new user, click the link on the website that says “Click here to Register for HAC” Enter the information requested as seen below. You may need to call your school building to register a valid email address with your school before you can use this screen.

If your child was enrolled in Alliance City Schools last year and you forgot your password or username, please click the Forgot my Username or Password link on the HAC Login Page.

Alliance High School - 330-829-2245

Alliance Middle School - 330-829-2254

Alliance Early Learning - 330-829-2266

Northside Intermediate - 330-829-2269

Parkway Elementary - 330-829-2264

Rockhill Elementary - 330-829-2260