On Thursday, April 14th, eleven students in the Alliance High School Jobs For Ohio’s Graduates program competed at the 35th Annual Career Development Conference at the John S. Knight Center. The conference allows each competitor to showcase his or her knowledge and skills in one of twelve events centered on the Soft Skills required to get and keep a quality job.
Throughout the year, the group participates in various community service projects. In the Students for Service competition, two student delegates present these projects to a panel of judges. Alliance delegates, Zhaniyah Wood and Curtis Royster finished first in the Students for Service competition.
\r\nSeniors Jessica Myers, Bridgette Runion and Olivia Chiporo placed first in Team Challenge. Trinity Ford submitted the winning conference cover design. Bri’Onna Hill won first place in Public Speaking and delivered her winning speech to over 400 attendees at the close of the conference.
These students will travel to Columbus on May 2nd to compete against JOG students from across the state.