Alliance City Schools is hosting N.O.P.E. (Narcotics Overdose Prevention Education) programs on February 5 for all middle school and high school students and will end the day with a presentation for the whole community.
With the number of drug overdoses reaching a level of epidemic in the nation, state and even Stark county, Alliance City Schools desires to educate students and parents about the realities of substance abuse and overdose deaths and offer suggestions and parenting strategies to combat the issues.
The High School and Middle School students will attend a high-impact, multimedia assembly with a blunt message about drug abuse. Then at 6:30 p.m. Alliance Middle School (3205 South Union Ave.) will host a community program for all parents, caretakers and community members.
N.O.P.E. is a nonprofit organization based out of Palm Beach County, Florida made up of community leaders concerned with saving lives. They provide resources and information for addicts to seek help as well as family and friends of those struggling with substance abuse.
N.O.P.E. has three primary goals: 1. to reduce the alarming number of drug overdose deaths that are plaguing our nation; 2. to reduce the number of youths who use alcohol and other substances for the first time at an early age; 3. to increase the number of youths and young adults who seek help for a person who is using alcohol and/or other substances.
No reservation is necessary to attend the program.