Dear Aviator Families,
\r\nAs the school year starts winding down, we know there are many questions about what the next school year will look like. Our goal is to have all students return to in-person learning at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Maintaining an in-person and digital program is not sustainable for our district and our data shows a number students in the digital program are not progressing to the same extent as the in-person students.
\r\nOffering digital learning was a necessary, but temporary, response to the global pandemic. We know that in-person learning, where students are working with their peers and under the direct supervision of their teachers, is the best model for most students. We will follow all CDC and state guidelines in bringing all students back next year and are confident that in doing so all students and staff will be safe.
\r\nHowever, there will still remain a need for a few students to attend digital for reasons unrelated to the pandemic. As such, we will offer a digital learning option through the Alliance Digital Academy at Parkway Learning and Development Center (the former Parkway Elementary School) for middle and high school students only. Students will have to apply for entrance into this program and only students who are in good academic standing will be considered for admittance.
\r\nGood academic standing for AHS students means students:
\r\nare on track with their graduation credits toward graduation
have passed all of their core classes to date (incoming freshmen must have passed all of their core classes during their 8th grade year)
have earned a score of 684 on the Algebra I and ELA II EOCs
have had 7 or fewer unexcused absences per nine weeks
Good academic standing for AMS students means students
\r\nhave passed all of their core courses
have no more than one D at the end of a grading period in core classes
have scored a 3 (proficient) or higher on all of their Ohio State tests the previous school year
have had 7 or fewer unexcused absences per nine weeks.
Unlike the digital program this year, students will be officially enrolled at the Alliance Digital Academy and will be expected to follow all rules and criteria in place including attending face-to-face requirements for certain time periods. Students will only be permitted to transition to face-to face at the end of a grading period. If a student fails a core course due to lack of achievement or progress, they will be remanded back to in-person learning for the remainder of the school year.
\r\nAs we finalize our application for the Alliance Digital Academy, we’d like to offer you the opportunity to suggest additions to the criteria above. If there are additions you feel we should consider, please take the time to fill out the form below and we will take your input into consideration when finalizing the application process.
\r\nIf you have not completed the questionnaire through ParentSquare, click here to fill out the survey.

Rob Gress