Opening night for "Annie Jr." is tomorrow! Get your tickets here: #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
"Annie Jr." Pictures
"Annie Jr." Pictures
"Annie Jr." Pictures
With the winter weather fast approaching, we want to make sure our Aviator families are aware of the guidance used to call a calamity day. Find out all you need to know about calamity days, including how you will be notified, by clicking below! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Did you know you can recycle old Christmas lights? Alliance City Schools has partnered with Keep Alliance Beautiful to collect old Christmas lights to recycle. They can be dropped off in the boxes outside of each building starting tomorrow through Dec. 16. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
recycle graphic
The Pancake Jamboree and Band Booster Craft Show took place at AHS this past Saturday. If you attended, chances are you saw a number of our awesome Aviators who volunteered to help serve food during the event! #RepthatA #CaringCitizens
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
students volunteering
students volunteering
students volunteering
students volunteering
Aviator families, The Community Thanksgiving Luncheon is free this Sunday at the Salvation Army. More information below. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
community thanksgiving dinner
A reminder for all Aviator families! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
no school
A big thank you goes out to all of our our Instructional Coaches today and everyday! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Instructional coaches day
ACS will host a Wash-N-Go Laundry day on Dec. 7! See below for additional info! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Today, Alliance City Schools, partnered with the Ohio Mid-Sized Urban Districts Leadership Collaborative, welcomed over 70 educators from across Ohio to conduct instructional rounds. The educators visited classrooms throughout the district to observe our students and staff and ended the day with sharing their feed back and suggestions with the ACS administration. We are grateful to all who attended today and we look forward to implementing the feedback to provide our Aviators with the best possible educational experience! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Instructional Rounds
Instructional Rounds
Instructional Rounds
Instructional Rounds
Keep up with all things ACS! Whether you're a parent, guardian, fan or community member, the ACS app is a great way to see what's going on in our schools! Features of the ACS app include: - Upcoming Events - Livefeed - Lunch Menus - And so much more! The app is free to download for Apple and Android devices. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
acs app
As National Principal Month comes to a close, we want to give one last shout out and thank you to all of our amazing and hard working principals! We're lucky to have the best around! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
National School Principal Month
Happy Halloween to all of our awesome Aviators! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
happy halloween
Lesli Waller is the assistant principal at Alliance Middle School! Mrs. Waller's fun facts include: 1. I have a twenty year old daughter. 2. I enjoy baking. 3. I compete in 5K's. 4. My favorite escape is Captiva Island. 5. I coach my niece's basketball team. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Leslie Waller
Tim Mosher is the assistant principal at Alliance Middle School! Mr. Mosher's fun facts include: 1. I enjoy being outside (yard work, biking, hiking, kayaking). 2. I have been a Social Studies teacher, Athletic Director, and Assistant Principal during my career in education. 3. I enjoy all sports but football is my favorite. I was involved with football for 26 years as either a player or a coach. 4. I enjoy learning about all types of history AND enjoy listening to all types of music. 5. I have eaten the same lunch since I was in middle school. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
tim mosher
Brian Reed is the principal at Alliance Middle School! Mr. Reed's fun facts include: - I spent two years teaching in Paraguay! Can anyone locate Paraguay on a map? haha - I was in a commercial that aired on TV in Paraguay. - I enjoy running and riding my bicycle, and I have completed several half marathons. - I had my first grandchild on October 1st, 2022. - I am a huge fan of college and pro football. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Brian Reed
Tomorrow is the annual ACS Breast Cancer Awareness Day. All staff and students are encouraged to wear pink to school! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
BC Awareness
Aviator Families: Don't forget this Friday is an early dismissal day. All schools will let out two hours earlier than the standard dismissal time. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
early dismissal
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Football for winning the 2022 EBC Championship! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
EBC Champions
Don't miss out on the spookiest event of the year! The annual Strings Spooktacular is Thursday at 7 pm. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
strings spooktacular
Chris Yoder's class has their artwork on display in the halls of AMS! They were very proud of their work in Ann Foster's art class. Keep up the great work William, Violet, Vaidren, Kinslee and Geneva! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mrs. Yoder's Class