Red Ribbon Week: Begins Oct 24th Thurs: Team Up Against Drugs - wear team jersey Fri: Spirit Day - Aviator gear
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Red Ribbon Week Starts Oct 24th Mon: Sock it to drugs: crazy socks Tues: Living Drug Free NO Sweat - wear sweats Wed: Wear Red for a Healthy Heart & Body
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
AMS with the help of the 7th grade Red Tails, will be collecting food and hygiene items starting Nov. 2nd. in conjunction with the Stark County Hunger Task Force. Questions: See Mrs. French
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
The ninth annual Strings Spooktacular, a spooky orchestra concert, will take place Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 7:00pm in the AHS Auditorium. Hope to see you there!
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
A huge "Thank You" to all grandparents who came to support Grandparent's Day at AMS. You are so important in the lives of your grandchildren. Thank you also for your support of our book fair!
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Mrs. Cody's Crusaders welcomed Mr. Scott to our classroom. We are learning the various parts of the newspaper, donated by the Akron Beacon Journal. We began learning how to use the new weight room.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Alliance Middle School phones are now working.
almost 8 years ago, Chad Morris
Currently, the phones at are down at Alliance Middle School and are expected to be back up with in the next 20 minutes. In the meantime, please call 330 821 2100 for assistance.
almost 8 years ago, Chad Morris
Today is the 7th Grade's annual funeral service for Gaius Julius Caesar.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
The day is finally here in PLTW! Sheep brain dissection is happening in class today.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
rs. Davis's class is reading nonfiction text outside on a gorgeous day, sketching important ideas from sections of the text.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
October 27: Strings Spooktakular at AHS, 7 p.m. 7th graders – TDAP and Meningococcal immunization or appointment cards are due IMMEDIATELY to the school nurse.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Students in design and modeling are partaking in their ankle and foot orthosis design for a student with cerebral palsy. Students will present their solutions to the class. The prototypes will be on display in the showcase outside of the library for Grandparents' day.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
The school book fair will be held in the library starting Tuesday, October 4th. Be sure to stop by and see what's new!
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Interims were sent home with students on Thurs., Sept. 22nd. You can check grades online anytime with Home Access Center. Info is the same as last year. If you need your password, contact the school.
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Reminder that Grandparent's Day will be Oct. 7th from 7:30- 9:30 A.M. We look forward to seeing you!
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Good Luck to our 8th grade football team tonight who plays at West Branch! Good Luck to our volleyball players who take on Louisville tonight at home!
almost 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
The 8th Grade Band students will be performing tonight at the AHS Varsity Football Game against Canton South. They will perform along side the Aviator Marching Band for their Pre-game and Half-time shows. Come out give them so extra love tonight as they perform "What is Love?". Good Luck AMS 8th Grade Band students!
almost 8 years ago, ACS
•Sept. 23rd - Early Dismissal - 12:20 pm •Oct.7th - Grandparents’ Day •Oct. 27th @ 7pm - Strings Spooktakular @ AHS •7th graders - TDAP immunization & Meningococcal immunization are due IMMEDIATELY.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
All school forms were due to AMS by September 16th. Be sure to complete them and send them in with your student(s) immediately, if you haven’t done so yet.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson