In celebration of Black History Month Mr. Hampu & Mr. Fountain are the first recipients of the AMS Pathfinders awards. Congrats to these men for finding & sharing their path to success!
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
A huge thanks to Mr. Zumbar & Mr. Garnes for coming to talk to AMS 8th graders about the branches of government.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
•2/16/17 3rd 9 Weeks Interims Distributed •2/20/16 President’s Day - No School ª2/23/17 @ 6:00 PM / Winter Sports Awards
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
The AMS academic challenge team defeated Green Middle School in three rounds in their most recent match. This is the 3rd win for the team making their season record 3-1.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
•2/10/17 Science Alliance @ AHS •2/10/17 6:30 - 8:00 PM Navigators Valentine’s Dance •2/16/17 3rd 9 Weeks Interims Home •2/20/16 President’s Day - No School ª2/23/17 @ 6:00 PM Winter Sports Awards
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Alliance Middle School's Academic Challenge Team defeated Oakwood Middle School 3-0 by scores of 9-8, 13-6, 15-8 in its second match of the season.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Alliance Middle School's Academic Challenge Team defeated Louisville 3-0 by scores of 10-9, 12-3, 13-6 in its first match of the season.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Congratulations to Julia Schwartz for winning the AMS Spelling Bee last night! Patrick Burse came in 2nd place. Great job to all who participated!
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Mrs. Cody's class received a grant for two class pets. They chose guinea pigs. Students are being responsible caring for them and feeding them.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Students in Medical Detectives learned about vital signs this week. They used probes to take their temperatures, use monitors to measure their blood pressure and learn to take their own pulse.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
•2/10/17 Science Alliance @ AHS •2/10/17 @ 6:30 - 8:00 PM / Navigators Valentine’s Dance •2/16/17 3rd 9 Weeks Interims Distributed
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
This Friday, February 3rd, students will have early dismissal at 12:20 pm
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
6th graders in Mr. Horning's class were having a lively round table discussion in Humanities today.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
ALL IN against Bullying Canton Charge game with 8th grade C. A.R.E. Project
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Three 7th graders and three 8th graders qualified for the Power of the Pen Regionals. 7th: Alyssa Risley, Olivia Knipp, Meah Minor 8th: McKenzie Schoolcraft, Julia Schwartz, Riley Tucker
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Congrats to Jordan Schwartz, winner of the AMS Geography Bee. Sister Julia Schwartz, was runner up. Thanks to all students who participated!
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Due to the inclement weather January 10th, the Geography Bee will be held this Thursday, January 19th at 6:00 pm at Alliance Middle School.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
Students will bring report cards home on Friday, January 20th.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
6th grade students are reminded to return their registration cards to participate in the (no cost) Dental Sealant Program.
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson
•1/31/17 thru 2/03/17 Dental Sealant Program @ AMS •2/01/17 @ 6:30 PM / AMS Spelling Bee •2/01/17 @ 4-7PM / 8th Grade Scheduling @ AHS •2/01/17 Candid Pictures will be taken throughout the day @ AMS
about 8 years ago, Misty Sampson